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  • Writer's pictureBethany Marson

5 New Year Fitness Tips!

Happy New Year guys! The whole "New Year New Me" is starting back up so everyone has gone fitness crazy. Below I have a few tips to help you stay focussed on your fitness journey in 2020!

Tip #1- Structure your own fitness routine that fits around your life. For example:

MONDAY- 1 hour Gym Session (Cardio)

TUESDAY- Bike ride, light jog or walk.

WEDNESDAY- Swimming session, see how many lengths you can do in 30 minutes.


FRIDAY- 1 hour Gym Session (Weights)

SATURDAY- Try a fitness class like Yoga or Aerobics ~ Something New.

SUNDAY- Rest Day or a light jog.

That is just an example, feel free to change it around to suit your lifestyle.

Tip #2- Make Your 2020 Playlist!

Get on Spotify (or whatever you use) and find some new songs, or forgotten golden oldies that you motivate you to workout. You also get pre-made playlists on Spotify so it is worth a look at the Gym styled ones. You need upbeat music to keep you determined.

Tip #3- Think Of A Rewards Scheme!

You can't punish yourself into eating perfect, exercising all of the time and having a boring lifestyle. Set yourself some goals, examples include:

-When you complete your first 5K, you can have a takeaway that week.

-Book a weekend away with plenty of ncie scenery, to encourage an exciting weekend, but good jogging routes.

- Smash out a weights session and book a sports massage for the dreaded DOMS in the following days.

Tip #4- Make Realistic Goals!

You can say that you are going to lose 6 stone in a year, but that isn't realistic. You need to think short term goals, things that are reachable. Some good goals to have are:

-Completing the couch to 5K.

-Losing 2 pounds in a specific time frame.

-Beating your PB for deadlifts (or any other weight training) within the next 3 weeks.

Obviously they are just examples, but you need to be realistic, because once you reach that goal, you will get a sense of accomplishment which makes you continue.

Tip #5- Form Better Habits!

To keep your new healthy life up, you need to be creating habits that you naturally stick to. Examples include:

-Train yourself to stop eating at 7PM, so food isn't sat in your belly turning into fat overnight.

-Put veg in every meal

-WATER WATER WATER. 3 litres of water per day will naturally slim you down.

-Make sure you intake protein in every meal.

-Set specific meal times, and don't snack lot's between meals.

I hope these tips will help you become a more productive and healthy being! Good luck on your 2020 fitness journeys.

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