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  • Writer's pictureBethany Marson

5 Small Yet Effective Diet Changes.

This blog is focussing on food & drink! I will be giving 5 pointers to change your diet slightly without fasting.

1- White bread to Brown Bread. Pretty self explanatory. Brown bread has a lot more goodness in than white. If you like brown bread you may as well make the change! It does have benefits.

2- WATER!! Again it's simple but so so effective. Take a water bottle out with you, to work, in the car etc. It helps you to lose weight, promotes healthy skin, fights infections, gets rid of body toxins, promotes a healthy heart, prevents joint pain & arthritis, boosts energy, prevents constipation, reduces the risk of Cancer and improves productivity.

3- Drinking a glass of milk before bed. So many important nutirients go into milk. Vitamin B12 for red blood cells, Calcium for strong bones and teeth, Carbohydrates for energy, Magnesium for muscle function, Phosphorus for the release of energy, Potassium for nerve function, Protein for growth and repair, Riboflavin for healthy skin and Zinc for the Immune system.

4- The Crisp Obsession- Rather than cutting out tasty snacks that are easy for on the go, find a healthy crisp that you can still enjoy! Things like Snakc 'a' Jacks, Baked Pea Crisps (my personal fave), Sunbites (includes 3 wholegrains), there is lots more, have an experiment and try something new!

5- Your 5 a day- Obviously this is a must, but I know fruit can be expensive and have short sell by dates, however buying "Frozen Fruit" is something worth trying. Getting bulk bags of your raspberries etc will be cheaper for you in the long run. Also spending that extra bit of time preparing some fruit in a tub you can snack on throughout the day can help! If you don't have time to sit and snack, blend some fruit into a tasty smoothie! You can grab out the fridge in the morning, and drink it at work, that way you are getting your 5 a day in 1 tasty drink!

I hope this helps and you can use these tips to improve your diet. :)

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