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  • Writer's pictureBethany Marson

My Top Fave Fitness Classes And Why.

This post is all about fitness classes. If you haven't attended a class before then you definately should! They force you to have more motivation when you are surrounded by people doing the same movements.


Circuits are brilliant for people who like their own independence when working out. The circuits I teach include equiptment and body weight only exercises. This gives a wider range of choice AND acts more of a Body Conditioning type class. To tone and burn fat in one 45 minute session. Only doing each exercise for 2 minutes before rotating allows attendees to give it maximum effort before getting bored or fatigued. I highly recommend circuits if you would like a serious condition of your whole body, to quickly get back into shape.


Kettlebell classes are brilliant if you are wanting to tone up/gain muscle. I find that a lot of people don't like to use free weights because they are unsure their form etc. But kettlebell weights are much more simple. It is literally a weight on a handle. There is a tonne of exercises you can do with a kettlebell, and they are pretty straight forward to get the hang of. Rather than a Body Pump class where you are taking weight plates off and on a bar, a kettlebell is a much more basic peice of kit. The classes are great and mostly easy to follow, lot's of different exercises with small amounts of reps to keep engagement.

#3 : HIIT

The first type of class I ever taught was HIIT. 45 minutes of hell, I mean fun. A very intense 45 minute period where I choose exercises that you repeat for 45 seconds, with a 15 second rest. Some people teach HIIT with different rest times etc. I carefully chose exercises that would be guarenteed to burn a lot of fat. Burpees, Rotating Plank, Squat Jumps, Exploding Jacks, Wide Push-Up's are just examples. I absoloutley love these classes because you feel so good afterwards and you can tell you have done your body the world of good!


This type of class is one of my all time faves. The music definately makes this class for me. Having that beat gives you a pace to stick at when you are punching. Combining different types of kicks with different types of punching keeps attendees on their toes and always working. This class goes very quick for me because there is so much work in one 45 minute session.


My favourite class! The music makes the class, having a specific beat to work with really helps to motivate the class and well known music helps to engage class members which is so important. Because there is that element of dance in the class it makes the 45 minutes more fun!

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