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  • Writer's pictureBethany Marson

The pressure of having 'that' body.

This weeks post is focussing on the pressure we/other people put on ourselves to look a certain way in terms of our bodies. Extreme dieting and living in the gym is not the forward. Weighing yourself obsessively & calorie counting is not a fun way to live, trust me.

I see a lot of people (especially between 16-21) trying rediculous diets that are no good for you. You NEED carbohydrates to give you the energy to do things. (And let me tell you now, drinking that lemon water won't do anything except rot your teeth.) Dieting needs to be sensible and realistic. You only gain weight when you OVER eat, excessively cutting your calories will just make you tired, moody and STARVING!!

I aren't saying have a takeaway every night, but the odd takeaway isn't going to kill you.

Try to eat your 5 a day; Fruit & veg are obviously some of the best things for you, but if you don't manage to eat the full 5, don't loose sleep over it.

Life is too short to be eating 1 piece of lettuce a day ;). Even though I am a Fitness/Class Instructor, I'm also a MASSIVE foodie! I am no stranger to a Chinese buffet ahaha.

Saying all of this, if you are wanting to shred some fat, taking a look at your eating habits may be a good place to start. Constant snacking is a LOT of peoples down falls, and that's okay! Small changes at a time get better results than eating bare minimum for a few days:).

I hope this post shed some light on being happy in yourself without silly diets and routines. Keep it simple! Do some fun exercise like joining a fitness class with a friend, or anything you feel happy to do. It will make loosing weight 10x easier and less daunting.

Think about your MENTAL health just as much as your PHYSICAL health. They are both equally as important & it's all about having the balance between the two.

Hope this helped!

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